Patient presents star to staff at Swaffham Community Hospital | News

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Patient presents star to staff at Swaffham Community Hospital

The staff at Swaffham Community Hospital have been presented with a star named after the ward by a grateful patient.

Mrs Isabella Summers of King's Lynn  bought the team their own star to thank them for the compassionate care she received from them while in hospital over Christmas.

Chelsea Newman, Discharge Coordinator at Swaffham Community Hospital, said: 

“It is a wonderful moment of recognition for the whole team. As Mrs Summers was an inpatient for a while with us, she managed to build great relationships with the nursing, therapy and medical team. Her star will be on display for all staff, patients and visitors to see. We are very grateful and we wish her well for the future”.

A huge well done to the team at Swaffham Community Hospital! Mrs Summers and her family are so grateful for your hard work and care. 

Staff at Swaffham Community Hospital presented with a star named after the ward by a grateful patient


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