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    Board papers and meetings

    The NCH&C Board meets in public bi-monthly, on the first Wednesday of that month at 09:30

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Governance Manual

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Board papers

Board Papers are available to the public five working days before the Board meet.

If you would like a copy of Board papers from previous meetings that are not listed here, please contact Terry Siedlecki: 01603 697415 or Terry.Siedlecki@nchc.nhs.uk

March 2020

0.0 Public Agenda 25.03.20.pdf [pdf] 475KB

A - Declarations of Interest.pdf [pdf] 343KB

A Patient Voice.pdf [pdf] 32KB

B - Public Minutes 26.02.20.pdf [pdf] 543KB

B Declarations of Interest.pdf [pdf] 46KB

C - Decisions Log.pdf [pdf] 241KB

C Public Session Minutes v0.pdf [pdf] 141KB

D - Matters Arising.pdf [pdf] 252KB

D Public Board Decisions Log 29 July 2015.pdf [pdf] 15KB

E - Chairs Report.pdf [pdf] 243KB

E Public Board Matters arising 26 August 2015.pdf [pdf] 87KB

F - CEO Report.pdf [pdf] 415KB

F Chair Board report August 2015.pdf [pdf] 34KB

G - Partnership Report.pdf [pdf] 546KB

G CEO Board report August 2015.pdf [pdf] 51KB

Glossary of Terms 26 08 15.pdf [pdf] 78KB

H - Integrated Performance Report.pdf [pdf] 3MB

H Quality and Risk Assurance Report.pdf [pdf] 698KB

I - Director of Nursing and Quality report.pdf [pdf] 1MB

I Ops Board Report - August 2015.pdf [pdf] 788KB

J - Quality and Risk report.pdf [pdf] 2MB

J Nursing and Quality Report August 15.pdf [pdf] 114KB

K - Safeguarding report.pdf [pdf] 740KB

K Framework of Quality Assurance 5.8.pdf [pdf] 142KB

L - Finance report.pdf [pdf] 2MB

L M04 Finance Report - Board.pdf [pdf] 1MB

M - Workforce report internet version.pdf [pdf] 3MB

M Board Report Public - August 2015 v03.pdf [pdf] 666KB

N - Gender Pay Gap report.pdf [pdf] 2MB

N chairs report F P August 2015.pdf [pdf] 58KB

O - Finance Cttee FINAL mins 27.01.2020.pdf [pdf] 347KB

O Integrated Performance Report.pdf [pdf] 455KB

Oi - QC minutes 17.02.20.pdf [pdf] 449KB

Oii - Audit Committee minutes FINAL 02.12.19.pdf [pdf] 355KB

P FT Update - Aug 15.pdf [pdf] 36KB

Public Board Annual Rolling Workplan 26.08.pdf [pdf] 77KB

Public Session Trust Board Agenda and Front Sheet 26 August 2015.pdf [pdf] 69KB

Q Well Led Framework.pdf [pdf] 169KB

R TDA web version.pdf [pdf] 298KB

S BAF summary.pdf [pdf] 130KB

seminar programme - Aug 2015.pdf [pdf] 35KB

T REMCO ToR.pdf [pdf] 146KB

U Membership.pdf [pdf] 178KB

V Board Meeting and Committee Dates.pdf [pdf] 96KB

W Finance Cttee mins FINAL - 22.06.pdf [pdf] 97KB

X closed.pdf [pdf] 62KB

z - private summary.pdf [pdf] 290KB

zi - workplan.pdf [pdf] 329KB

zii - staff presentations.pdf [pdf] 177KB

ziii - glossary.pdf [pdf] 440KB