Fundraising your way
By raising money for the NCH&C Charitable Fund, you’ll be helping to support the hospital, ward or service most important to you. Your efforts will help transform community healthcare across Norfolk. There are plenty of exciting ways to get involved! Whether you fancy taking on a personal challenge, teaming up with friends and family or getting your work colleagues involved, our fundraising team is here to support you.
You might consider...
- A delicious bake sale: Get your friends and family involved, bake up a batch of your best treats and sell them for a donation.
- A pub quiz: Challenge teams to take on a quiz challenge for charity.
- A sponsored mini challenge: Give up chocolate, walk a mile daily or maybe take on a press-up challenge!
- A sponsored BIG challenge: Fancy running a marathon, or climbing the three peaks? Do it for charity.
- Online auction: Sell your pre-loved items online and donate the proceeds.
- Sky dive: Take to the skies and get sponsored for a charity sky dive.
- Birthday giving: Ask your loved ones to donate instead of giving gifts.
- Organising a coffee morning: Get together and enjoy a cuppa while raising money for NCH&C.
- Running a charity car boot sale: Organise an event the whole community can benefit from.
- Taking part in one of our charity events.

NCH&C Staff raised over £2k by running the Norwich Inflatable 5k!
Staff from across NCH&C — including Carolyn Fowler our Director of Nursing and Quality — joined together to brave the Norwich Inflatable 5k challenge and raise money for our general fund. Together they braved 32 epic inflatables, including The Vortex, Holy Moly, Crash Bang and the ominous sounding Temple of Doom.

Kelly Gray raised £2,457 for our Priscilla Bacon fund by boxing!
We were very excited when we heard that Kelly had signed up to a university boxing event to raise money for the Priscilla Bacon Lodge fund. NCH&Cs specialist palliative care nurses and health care assistants provide intensive 24- hour care, for patients at the Priscilla Bacon Hospice, supported by specialist palliative care doctors and support staff.

Irene ran a car boot sale that raised over £900!
Irene wanted to hold a fundraising event that benefitted not only NCH&C but her whole community! She organised a car boot sale that raised over £900 and enabled people in and around East Runton to sell their second hand wares.