What we offer

The Looked After Children Service provides an integrated and coordinated approach to assessment and care planning for Looked After Children.

The LAC service aims to promote the current and future health of all Looked After Children by ensuring that they have access to timely and appropriate holistic health assessments to form a health care plan identifying health needs and specifying how these needs will be met, including access to specialist services. All children coming under the care of the local authority will receive an initial health assessment and development of a health care plan within 20 working days a child becoming 'Looked After'. The initial assessment is completed by a medical practitioner. Thereafter, children over five years will receive an annual health review by a specialist Looked after Children’s nurse.  Children under five years will receive a six-monthly review health assessment provided by the health child pathway, Cambridge Community Services.

Click here for an easy read leaflet about the service.


Who it’s for

The service is available to children and young people (0 to 18th birthday) in the NHS Norfolk area who are in the care of the Norfolk County Council by virtue of 'being looked after' by the local authority (LA) and are subject to a Care Order under section 31 of the Children Act 1989 and those on a voluntary basis through an agreement with their parents under section 20 of that act. It also includes children and young people being remanded to the LA accommodation through the criminal justice system as well as young people regarded as 'eligible and/or relevant' within the meaning of the Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000.



Referral via social worker/Carer/young people by self-referral.



Looked After Children team, Children’s Services, Norwich Community Hospital, Bowthorpe Road, Norwich, NR2 3TU


Help us improve our services for children and young people

We’re asking young people to talk about what it’s like to use our services and share ideas.

Take a look at our leaflet for more information: Young Voices Together leaflet