Our service

We are a specialist service which offers support and advice to people of all ages who have TB and we also support in the delivery of the BCG Immunisation Programme.

We work in partnership with Norfolk and Norwich University NHS Trust and Public Health England to offer advice and support on all aspects of Tuberculosis (TB) and Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Infections (NTM) to people of all ages throughout the area of Norfolk covered by Norfolk Community Health &Care Community NHS Trust. 

We are based at Norwich Community Hospital, Bowthorpe Road, Norwich, NR2 3TU


Who we care for

We work with all newly diagnosed patients and provide on-going support at home and in clinics throughout treatment. We arrange screening for people who have been in contact with all active TB cases.

We also provide new entrant screening for some people coming to live in the UK from countries with a high rate of TB. These people may have had a chest x-ray in their own country before travelling to the UK, but the x-ray would only identify TB in the lungs and not Latent TB infection. Latent TB can be detected by a blood test or skin test and treatment may be offered to prevent this becoming active. 



We accept self-referral, GP referral, hospital referral, health professional, and referral by email: communitytbservice@nchc.nhs.uk 

We respond to queries on all aspects of TB from professionals and the general public. Tel: 01603 272254 / 272253

The UK BCG Immunisation Programme

This is currently being delivered by the Community TB Service and is now risk-based, targeting children who are more likely to have exposure to TB. 

If you think your child is eligible for a BCG vaccination and may have been missed, please contact us to check.

Referrals to the BCG Clinic

We accept self-referrals and those from other health professionals for BCG vaccination for eligable children over 1 year.

Tel: 01603 272254

Email: communitytbservice@nchc.nhs.uk 


While you are waiting for an appointment

If you develop any symptoms of active Tuberculosis for example ongoing cough, drenching night sweats, significant weight loss please see your GP immediately and explain you are waiting for TB screening or TB clinic appointment.

GPs can ring the numbers provided for advice.


Useful links

TB Alert

The Truth about TB

Tuberculosis by country: rates per 100,000 people

Tuberculosis: the green book, chapter 32

TB, BCG and your baby leaflet


Help with health costs

If you're referred to hospital or other NHS premises for specialist NHS treatment or diagnostic tests by a doctor, dentist or another primary care health professional, you may be able to claim a refund of reasonable travel costs under the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS). Find out more about the HTCS.