• Post-Covid Service

    Post-Covid Service

    Assessment and support for those experiencing persistent symptoms after a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19.

The Post-Covid Service offers assessment and support for those experiencing persistent symptoms after a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19. We offer initial assessments by telephone, followed by further assessment and rehabilitation at one of our clinics if required. Our team can offer physical, cognitive, and physiological guidance and support.

Follow-up clinics are offered at a range of bases throughout Norfolk. Where patients present with specific access needs, we can also offer home visits if needed.

Who our service is for

The Post-Covid Service is for people with symptoms consistent with Post-Covid Syndrome, which continue for more than eight weeks, and cannot be explained by an alternative diagnosis. Lasting symptoms of Covid-19 can include fatigue and breathlessness, anxiety and low mood, joint or muscle pain, chest pains, and cognitive changes. Post-Covid Syndrome is often called ‘Long Covid’.


Your GP or healthcare provider must refer you to this service. They will complete blood tests, and sometimes a chest x-ray, to exclude alternative causes for your symptoms.

Once referred, our clinicians will review and assess the referral.

We then contact those who have been referred, and invite them to complete a questionnaire online, indicating how they are being impacted by any persistent symptoms. Unless advised otherwise, we contact patients by email, so please make sure your email address is up to date. Our team will then offer an initial assessment, to be completed by telephone. In specific circumstances where a telephone assessment is not possible or appropriate, our team will make alternative arrangements.

According to individual needs we may offer further support, such as additional assessment or rehabilitation. This may include: 

  • Further assessment with specialist clinicians
  • Onward referral to other services
  • Discussion with relevant therapists to agree appropriate intervention
  • Group education and/or therapy sessions
  • Rehabilitation clinics/groups/help to self-manage
  • Case presentation at Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) meetings, to gain additional support and planning for patients with complex symptoms.

Common symptoms of Post-Covid Syndrome

There are many different symptoms associated with Post-Covid Syndrome – in fact, over 200 symptoms have been reported. Each individual will vary in which symptoms they have. As a ‘diagnosis by exclusion’, your GP will rule out any other possible causes of your symptoms before you are referred to the service. Some common symptoms of Post-Covid Syndrome include:

  • Persistent fatigue
  • Breathlessness
  • Cardiac and chest symptoms
  • Pain – including Joint or muscle pain
  • Brain fog, and cognitive changes
  • Altered sense of taste and smell
  • Changes to voice, speech, and swallowing
  • Gastrointestinal (digestive) symptoms
  • Low mood, anxiety, and mental health and wellbeing changes
  • Disrupted sleep pattern
  • Dizziness
  • Tinnitus and other hearing changes
  • Bladder and Bowel symptoms

You may also find that some day-to-day activities are more difficult than before, such as being physically active. You may also find that your job or occupation has been impacted by your symptoms. Our physiotherapists and occupational therapists can offer guidance on returning to previously enjoyed activities, and returning to work.

Our specialisms

Our team is made up of many different clinicians, from a range of specialisms. This allows us to offer a ‘Multi-Disciplinary Team’, for insight and guidance. Our team has the following clinicians:

  • Nurses
  • Physiotherapists
  • Clinical Psychologists
  • Dietitians
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Assistant Practitioners
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Medical Consultants in Rehabilitative Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Medicine
  • General Practitioners

How can our service support you?

The Post-Covid Service offers support and guidance to help people to live well with Post-Covid Syndrome (Long Covid). Every person has a range of symptoms and will need different levels of support during their recovery. We support and encourage patients in the self-management of their symptoms. Some people may need specific assessment and guidance, which can be offered through video calls or face-to-face clinics. Here are some of the wider areas which we cover:

  • Returning to work
  • Fatigue management, such as pacing
  • Respiratory symptom advice and support, breathing techniques/management skills
  • Cardiac assessment and palpitation advisory support
  • Cognitive symptoms and brain fog
  • Nutritional advice, such as supporting digestion changes
  • Dizziness, Hearing changes and tinnitus
  • Physical Activity and movement
  • Taste and smell changes
  • Wellbeing, adjustment, and coping skills – i.e. through psychological education
  • Sleep advice
  • Advice on speech, voice, and swallowing symptoms

We also have a group education session called ‘Long Covid and Me’ which is offered to everyone in the service. This is an online group, which offers an introduction to understanding Post Covid Syndrome. We highly encourage everyone to attend this online session, to gain an understanding of Post-Covid Syndrome. We also share information on self-management techniques, and how the service can support you. Many patients have shared that the session was extremely beneficial, and a positive first step in their recovery.

If you have any access needs, please do let us know, and we will endeavour to support you in accessing our groups and service (e.g. hearing, sight, interpreter support requirements, or Learning Disabilities).

Further information


Help with health costs

If you're referred to hospital or other NHS premises for specialist NHS treatment or diagnostic tests by a doctor, dentist or another primary care health professional, you may be able to claim a refund of reasonable travel costs under the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS). Find out more about the HTCS.


How to have your say

A guide for friends and family carers about ways to help us improve the experience of receiving care from our Service.
How to have your say leaflet